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Are you wondering why so many parents trust us with their family holidays? Discover below Aussies' testimonials and you will find out how they felt about their holidays at Club Med.

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"Absolute Family Heaven"
Sharon Gourlay - 27 June 2017
Club Med La Plantation d’Albion - Mauritius
We have stayed at a few all inclusive resorts and, honestly, none have measured up to Club Med. They definitely take all-inclusive holidays to Mauritius to another level with fabulous food, all day dining, generosity with drinks and an amazing activities program.
For those of us with kids, Club Med has a real focus on families and all kids are welcome. There is an outstanding kids club.
Club Med La Plantation d’Albion totally exceeded all our expectations – and our expectations were very high. I expected an easy, fun holiday, what I didn’t expect was just how top rate everything would be, primarily because I have never experienced anything as good before. The attention to every single detail in this Mauritius accommodation is amazing and it leads to an amazing experience. It is the most beautiful, wonderful holiday I have ever had.

"The perfect family holiday"
Justine Cullen - 21 July 2017
Club Med Kani - Maldives
My husband and I both work really hard and wanted a holiday that involved no thinking and lots of solid family time – we couldn’t have picked a better place.
It really is a place where you can completely relax and give your family your undivided attention, so I think they appreciated having unstressed parents who weren’t running around like maniacs the way we do at home.
The resort was beautifully maintained and had the most engaging and lovely staff. Kani has struck an amazing balance between always having something happening alongside lots of spots that are peaceful and purely relaxing – and I’ve never seen water such a perfect shade of blue.