FAQ - Member Space

An issue on your member space ?
Check our help page to answer your question related to our online member space.
If you do not find an answer, do not hesitate to contact our call center for more information.

How do I log in to my member space?
You can log in to your member space from the Club Med homepage by clicking on the "member space" button and entering your login infos (this area is located at the top of the homepage):
- Your username: this is your G.M® number or your email address
- Your password

I can't login with my email address
If you are unable to log in with your email address, try to use your GM number.
You can find your GM number at the following locations:
- Contract of sale
- Booking confirmation email
- Balance payment email
- But also on the documents sent when you ask for a quote or hold an option
The G.M® number is 15xxxxxx.

I lost my account activation link
You will receive the activation link of your member space by email:
- If you are a new customer and you have just booked a stay in Club Med, the activation link will be displayed in your booking confirmation email.
- If you have subscribed to the newsletter, you will receive an email to activate your account
- If you have made an online account creation request, you will receive the activation link for your member space in the account creation confirmation email.
Note that this link only works once (if you click on it a second time, it will be expired)
If you do not find the email to activate your account, you can directly activate your account by clicking on the link "forgotten password" on the login page of the member area.
We will send you an email with a link to activate your account.

I forgot my password
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking on the "forgotten password" link on the login page (to go to this page, click on the "login" button at the top of all pages of the website).
Simply enter your email address and we will send you an email to reset your password.
We may ask you for more information, including the GM number. This can happen if your email is attached to multiple accounts or member spaces.