Club Med & Artificial Intelligence

Fundamental principles of the use of artificial intelligence by Club Med
“Pioneering spirit” and “responsibility” are two of the strong values that we carry within us and which are at the heart of all our actions to support Club Med’s ambition to become the most desirable vacation lifestyle brand, offering a unique life experience for our teams and contributing to sustainable tourism.
This ambition guides Club Med in the implementation of its “Happy Digital” strategic pillar intended to improve the customer experience and that of our teams.
At Club Med, we are aware of the profound impact that artificial intelligence (“AI”) can have in serving our strategy and that AI is taking us into a new era of innovation. We are committed, with the adoption of these fundamental principles, to using AI technologies in a framework of trust reconciling ethical requirements, protection of personal data and innovation (the “Fundamental Principles”).

1. Transparency and accountability
Club Med declares its commitment to transparency and accountability in all its AI-enabled initiatives. We therefore undertake to:
- communicate transparently and intelligibly on the functionalities, purposes and impacts of our AI-based solutions so that our customers and our teams are well informed;
- ensure that we use AI responsibly, fully understanding the potential risks and how to control them.

2. Equity, diversity and non-discrimination
Through its “multiculturality” value, Club Med highlights the cultural contributions of our customers and our teams, because they are a source of personal fulfillment and promote social harmony.
While AI offers many opportunities, we recognize that it can also entrench and perpetuate bias and discrimination, which is an imperative challenge arising from its growing use. This is why it is essential to implement measures aimed at guaranteeing fairness between individuals, the absence of discrimination and the reliability of the solutions proposed so as to:
- identify and eliminate any bias in AI algorithms that may result in unfair treatment;
- ensure equitable treatment and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their origin or demographic attributes.

3. Human-centered
Club Med has put people at the heart of its DNA since its creation. It is committed to integrating AI to offer personalized services, improve the experience of its customers and facilitate the work of its teams while respecting individual needs and expected benefits.
Furthermore, and to ensure that people remain at the center of all processes, Club Med is committed to:
- provide for significant human intervention in AI systems, at the appropriate time and in particular in critical decision-making processes;
- implement the conditions to ensure end users that they will be able to have access to a human interlocutor whenever they wish.

4. Security and robustness
Security and technical robustness are essential for the confident use of AI systems. It entails the following:
- assuming responsibility for the use of AI systems while striving to guarantee data security;
- than conducting constant evaluations to ensure the resilience and reliability of AI systems.

5. Confidentiality and respect for Privacy
The proposition of personalized services using AI will be done while respecting the privacy of our stakeholders. Club Med prioritizes the confidentiality and integrity of personal data in AI systems by rigorously complying with the regulations applicable to it regarding the protection of personal data, implementing careful data governance and by guaranteeing the “right to be forgotten”.

Creation of an AI ethics committee and a dedicated internal governance
To enable the implementation of these principles in the growing use of AI, Club Med has established an AI Ethics Committee, chaired by Professor Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Professor at the Sorbonne University and researcher in Artificial Intelligence, bringing together the necessary internal skills, to guarantee compliance with ethical standards and ensure governance of the implementation of AI technologies.
Club Med is committed to raising awareness and training stakeholders participating in the development and implementation of AI systems to ensure deployment and compliance with the ethical principles surrounding their use.
Finally, Club Med has for many years integrated social and environmental issues into its “Happy to Care” program for responsible tourism. As such, it is determined to continue this approach for responsible digital technology and thus minimize the environmental impact linked to the development and use of AI systems.

By adopting these Fundamental Principles, Club Med reaffirms its responsible commitment to the era of AI. We are committed to faithfully implementing these principles, the Ethics Committee thus testifying to Club Med's commitment to ethical leadership.